Monday, November 25, 2019

Consult the Best Colorectal Surgeon in India for Speedy Recovery

If you go through different medical reports it shows that there are a lot of diseases raising in a higher number day by day. For example, you can talk about colorectal problems. You may not thoroughly know about this sector. These issues deal with the problems regarding colon, anus, and rectum. A number of deadly diseases including cancer of these sectors are recorded in the last few years. The most serious problem arises when you come to know the fact that colorectal diseases are harming the patients of various ages. Anyone from different age groups can be affected by these health issues. This situation can be avoided by the regular health check-up done by the best colorectal surgeons in India. Numbers of these kinds of surgeons are available in different parts of India now. You can go to them and get a thorough medical check-up done by them.

What Are the Jobs of Colorectal Surgeons?

Colorectal surgery is a field of medical science where doctors deal with the disorders of rectum, anus, and colon. The other name of this sector is proctology. The doctors dealing with this subject are known as colorectal surgeons. These surgeons look after the medical conditions of their patients. They treat them with medicines first. After that they will look after your report and decide whether any kind of surgery is needed or not. If you obey their suggestions, you will be benefited from your health issues.

The Colorectal Surgeons in India:

If you are suffering colorectal problems that require surgical intervention, you should only go to an experienced and renowned doctor so that you can avail the best treatment and recover faster. Also, you may go for subsequent consultation after the surgery is done and follow instructions given by the doctor and enjoy good health. After all, having a healthy body is what everyone looks for in their life.

Consult the Best Colorectal Surgeons in India:

The medical sector of India has developed vastly in the last couple of years. Patients can avail of high-end medical treatments in India and that too within a reasonable expense.  You may get the best of treatment from experienced colorectal surgeons in India. They will ensure that a proper diagnosis is done before they start with the treatment procedure so that the perfect treatment can be done on the patients. You can easily consult Dr. Amanjeet Singh who is one of the best colorectal surgeons in India and has a track record of treating numerous patients from across the country. The number of successful cases is proof of his capabilities in the medical field.

Dr. Amanjeet Singh – One Answer to All Your Colorectal Issues:

Dr. Amanjeet Singh is regarded as India's one of the best colorectal surgeons in India. He is giving services to the patients for a long time. His patients are getting a very good result under his treatment and are praising him for that. His success rate in the surgery sector is remarkable. He also provides consultation for many other deadly diseases. If you or any of your family members are suffering from colorectal diseases, you can visit him in Gurgaon and all your problems will be solved within a short time.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What can you do about hiatus hernia?

Hiatus hernia is a terrible health issue and if you are not well aware of the symptoms and preventive measures, your hernia may worsen.

So, here are few things to know to keep yourself safe

If you are having a smoking habit or you are addicted to alcohol, then you must stop taking both or at least cut down in the initial stage else your hernia may aggravate.

You need to maintain normal body weight and BMI. In case you are obese or overweight then try to reduce your weight. Go for a well-balanced diet and lower the calorie and fat intake. Also, try to eat a diet low in carbohydrates and fat. Try to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, fizzy drinks, alcohol, chocolate or acidic foods.

Regular exercise will help you lose weight as well as making you feel better all round. Your doctor or personal trainer should be able to advise you on the best physical activity and diet. Avoid bending over, abdominal exercises and strenuous exercises or heavy work. Do not lift heavy weights as it can tear or damage the muscles as well as putting undue strain on the heart. This is a major cause of ruptures, back strain, and muscle problems.

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Hiatus hernia can be caused or intensified by pressure on the abdomen. So do not use tight belts, or tight-fitting garments as they exert an undue strain on the muscles.

The digestion process is affected due to hiatus hernia so doctors recommend eating small, frequent meals, instead of large meals. Always have your dinner at least three hours before bedtime. This gives the digestive system the chance to do its work quickly and more efficiently. Overloading the stomach is a major cause of hiatus hernia symptoms.

If you're stressed, try some relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing, as your symptoms get worse when you are under stress. Yoga is an excellent form of stress relief but be careful not to strain the body or to take up a position that involves bending over.
If you are suffering from hernia you may be worried about thoughts, like is it curable or what are the best possible hernia treatments. Right?

Well, the above-mentioned tips work well if there are minor symptoms. if your symptoms are more severe and constant, you should consult your GP to ensure that there is nothing else that could be causing them.

For some people, even tablets are unable to control symptoms - in which case surgery may be considered. In the past, hernia surgery in India to repair a hiatus hernia was a major procedure involving an incision or cut in the upper abdomen, or even chest.
Now it is almost always performed by keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery and requires only a day or so in the hospital. The operation aims to narrow the widened hiatus by stitching together a part of the diaphragm muscle and to re-create the valve effect of the upper stomach and lower esophagus.

This is generally a safe and straightforward procedure - however, any surgery carries some risk and you should discuss this in full with the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon or any other city as per convenience. Results are generally very good - with most people experiencing a significant improvement in symptoms and no further need for medication.

If you are a resident of Gurgaon, then consult Dr. Amanjeet Singh is the best hernia surgeon in Gurgaon and has undergone super specialization in robotic laparoscopic surgery. He is also one of the pioneers of laparoscopic surgery and has a track record of handling many complicated cases related to GI diseases and chronic conditions due to cancer as well as colon cancer. He treats patients using a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach and reduces complications and hospital stay. 
Consult the best surgeon to avail of the finest quality treatment!  

Friday, October 11, 2019

What are piles? Is it curable?

Do you know that the cases of piles are increasing by leaps and bounds in India?
Piles also are known as hemorrhoids are a major health issue for many people and are characterized by swollen veins that occur in the anal region. Piles cause extreme discomfort and pain and lead to unpleasant bowel movements.

But there is nothing to worry about as it is curable and not a permanent health condition. There are various modes of piles treatment that could help ease the effects or even prevent the condition altogether. There are two types of piles; Internal and external and have different characteristics.
The internal piles tend to be located inside the anus and are painless and bleed (bright red) during a bowel movement. Mucous discharge is present and you might experience some itchy feeling.
On the other hand, the external piles tend to protrude and are visible around the anus. When thrombosed, these are said to be painful. The pain usually lasts up to 3 days then goes down. Some swelling might occur that might last for a few weeks.
How are piles detected?
Internal piles cannot be detected by physical examination and doctors may diagnose you after performing anoscopy. However, external piles can be easily identified through a physical rectal examination.
Piles Treatment and Prevention
The good news about piles is that they can be successfully treated. With simple dietary changes, you can avoid piles.
Increase the fiber intake that aids in digestion and relieves constipation which is the major contributor of piles according to pioneers of surgical gastroenterology. Moreover, fiber cleans the colon so make it an important part of the diet to ease the piles condition or prevent it.
Gastroenterologists suggest taking excessive water at least 8 glasses a day. Drinking water after a meal helps to wash down food. This is important as it leads the food to the digestive track for easy digestion; in short, it speeds up the movement of food to the digestive tract. Water is also important in the body as it softens the food hence avoids constipation. People with hard stool can aggravate piles and cause bleeding hence aggravating the inflammation.
Fruits and vegetables are highly effective for piles treatment. Green leafy vegetable is known to make the stool soft hence easy passing. It is also the best remedy for constipation. Fruits and vegetables are very rich in fiber which is good for easing the effects of piles or better still, preventing the condition.
These are natural remedies for piles treatment but surgery may also be required for hemorrhoids if they do not work for you.
If your piles or hemorrhoid has prolapsed (protruded), you may need a procedure. Two minimally invasive techniques—rubber-band ligation and laser, infrared, or bipolar coagulation are used to shrink internal hemorrhoids.

They do not require anesthesia, but it can take two to four procedures to get rid of hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids that are persistently painful, that protrude, or that return after minimally invasive procedures, you probably need surgery.
Although hemorrhoidectomy requires general anesthesia and you'll need pain medication afterward, it cures roughly 95% of cases and has a very low complication rate.
Looking for the best doctor for the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of piles? Contact Dr. Amanjeet Singh, the popular gastroenterologist surgeon in Gurgaon, India. He has proven excellence in laparoscopic and robotic surgery skills with a long list of successful surgeries in the area of gastrointestinal tract surgery, hernia, pancreatic surgery, and robotic surgery.
He ensures precision and utmost efficiency due to which his patients recover quickly. Not only he offers affordable surgery but patient-centered care. Visit

Friday, September 20, 2019

What are the signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can easily be felt because they feel like a small bulge that protrudes from the rectum or the anal area, which are also known as the prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Those that protrude at the rectal opening like a single bulge are known as external hemorrhoids.

The size of the hemorrhoids and their shape may vary from person to person. But most commonly the hemorrhoids are of the size of a chickpea. Hemorrhoids can be one or more than one in an individual usually grouped together. They can be either bloated or compressed.

How do hemorrhoids look like?

Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids are pinkish-red type and the coagulated hemorrhoids are blush or dark reddish type.
The external hemorrhoids are brown in color.
Grape sized hemorrhoids come in plum color.
Some hemorrhoids can be as big as a walnut.

What are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are painful, itchy at the anal area and troublesome to the patients. People can feel irritated, short-tempered and restless due to pain. Patients may lose focus on work and find difficulty carrying the activities of daily living to the extent that they become prone to committing errors.

Hemorrhoids can be so stressful for a person. In fact, even the dreadful operation of the past was considered worth the pain to try and cease the discomfort the hemorrhoids were causing. Another common warning sign is that hemorrhoids usually coat the anus, stopping the rectal opening from being observed. Hemorrhoids can also result in searing pain or anxiety.

People with hemorrhoids feel the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation and feel the urge to use the bathroom frequently. Hemorrhoids confuse the digestive system so as to appear that the colon is not emptied although it is completely clear of any fecal matter. Hence, the patient keeps straining to get feces out that aren't really there, which in turn aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why is medical examination needed?

Hemorrhoids can result to a person's anus to become itchy, specifically around the rectal opening, this hemorrhoid symptom can also be a symptom of parasitic worms, rather than hemorrhoids, thus a medical examination is needed.

Hemorrhoids can be very annoying but there are medications like tablets and ointments and surgical treatment available that will help you to eliminate hemorrhoids for good and live a healthy lifestyle.

When the best gastroenterologist surgeon like Dr. Amanjeet Singh in Gurgaon treats you, there is no scope of complications. Dr. Amanjeet Singh is a renowned gastroenterologist surgeon in India offering comprehensive surgery services in the abdominal region of the human body. He has undergone advanced training at All India Institute of Medical Sciences in surgical gastroenterology and laparoscopic colorectal surgery at SMC Korea.  He also offers comprehensive surgery services in gastroenterology &pancreatic cancer surgery.  He has traveled various reputed medical institutes across the globe for advanced training in laparoscopy, laparoscopic colorectal and robotic surgery. 

Leaving hemorrhoids untreated may worsen the condition leading to a wide range of complications. If you are observing the above symptoms, then it is better to consult top gastroenterologist surgeon.  On-time diagnosis may save unwanted pain, trauma, and waste of money on complicated treatment.

Contact the best doctor today!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Everything You Should Know About Gastric Outlet Obstruction

There is a growing number of cases of gastric outlet obstruction all over the world. It is blockage or obstruction in the path of outlet of the stomach, which prevent the passage of food into small intestine. Eventually the food accumulates in the stomach and causes a severe abdominal pain. 
Cancer may increase the chronicity of the disease. 

What are main signs and symptoms?

·         Abdominal pain
·         Vomiting after meals
·         Vomiting undigested food devoid of any bile
·         Loss of weight
·         Wasting and dehydration
·         Visible peristalsis from left to right maybe present

·         Succussion splash, a splash like sound heard over the stomach with or without the stethoscope.
·         Bowel sound may be increased due to excessive peristaltic action of the stomach.
·         Fullness in the left hypochondrium may also be present.

Causes of Gastric outlet obstruction

Gastric outlet obstruction can be benign and malignant. To be malignant the cause should be presumed.  In most cases of gastric outlet obstruction, the main cause has been found to be benign Peptic ulcer disease. But thanks to the acid suppressing drugs that has declined the frequency of peptic ulcer cases.

Wondering what causes the peptic ulcer?

Edema and scarring of ulcer results in peptic ulcer followed by healing and fibrosis. This leads to obstruction of the gastrodudenal junction, which is an ulcer in the first part of duodenum.
Other benign causes are infections such as tuberculosis. A rare cause can be blockage due to gallstones and sometimes pancreatic pseudocyst can cause gastric compression. 

Talking about the malignant cause, Gastric cancer is the most prominent one. In many Western countries the frequency has declined   with the treatment of Helicobacter Pylori infection.  However, now the predominating one is the pancreatic cancer.


In case of Gastric outlet obstruction with significant obstruction and if there is no scope of medical therapy, then surgery or Gastrojejunostomy is best treatment mode.  In this surgical process the surgeon creates a bypass for the stomach contents so that they can move into the intestine.  This is most successful treatment method has been proven to improve the patient’s survival rate. 

For patients suffering from malignant gastric outlet obstruction, endoscopic stenting is an effective and minimally invasive treatment option. This allows resumption of oral intake and improving quality of life. The endoscopic balloon therapy may be attempted as an alternative surgery and involves the removal of antral portion of the stomach.  However, you must consult best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon, for reliable and safe services.

Are you diagnosed with gastric outlet obstruction?

Seeking proficient gastroenterologist surgeon for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, then get in touch with Dr. Amanjeet Singh.  He is one of the best gastroenterologists and surgeons treating gastric outlet obstruction due to cancer in India. He is the leading surgeon in Gurgaon associated with Medanta hospital- Medicity, Gurgaon.  He is a reputed and award-winning laparoscopic and robotic surgeon super-specialized in Surgical Gastroenterology.

He is also one of the leading names when it comes to treatment of chronic pancreatitis, gall bladder diseases, bile duct problems, liver problems, hernia, and a range of GI tract issues.  

Dr. Amanjeet Singh has got a rock-solid reputation of handling many cases related to colorectal cancer, colon cancer, and other gastric health issues.  You will get here comprehensive surgical services with a multidisciplinary approach.  His services are highly affordable and surely reduce the hospital stay. With top quality patient care, he ensures healthy living.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gallbladder diseases and treatment in India

Gallbladder diseases like gallstones, gallbladder polyps, and cancer are highly prevalent in India. The major risk factors of this disease are increasing age, female gender, ethnic background, and hereditary factors. These factors are non-modifiable but obesity, overweight and metabolic disorders are modifiable and highly escalating factors.

If you are at risk of gallstones due to a sedentary lifestyle, then you can prevent the same by engaging inactive lifestyle. Other diseases that are a risk factor for gallstones are cirrhosis, chronic hemolysis and ileal Crohn's disease which contribute to black pigment stones.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are crystallized cholesterol appear like pebble-like lumps formed by the imbalances of substances in bile.  Removal of the gallbladder is the only method of treatment of gallstones. The surgical process is called cholecystectomy which may be done laparoscopically. There is nothing to panic about this operation!

Since the gallbladder is not an essential organ of our body, its removal may not cause significant harm. Gallbladder stores bile and if the organ is removed the bile can flow directly from the liver to small intestine. 

Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is a gold standard

The laparoscopic technique is the minimally invasive method of removing the gallbladder using a slender instrument called a laparoscope with a tiny camera ahead.  This surgical process gives incredible precision and accuracy because the camera helps the surgeon to view the body organ in a magnified form on the monitor. So the surgeon can carefully separate the gallbladder from the liver, ducts, and vessels.

Laparoscopic surgery ensures less pain and loss of blood when compared to traditional or open cut surgery. The patient can have minimal post-operative pain, faster recovery, and minimal discomfort post-operation if operated by the best laparoscopic surgeon in India. The skin scar is less as laparoscopic surgery does not involve large cut instead of three small holes. Hence, this method is the gold standard. Need not worry about the cost as the laparoscopic surgery cost in India is much cheaper than western countries.

Can gallstones be prevented?

In most cases, gallstones remain unnoticed unless you experience a sudden extreme pain, which is caused when the gallstones block the organ preventing it to drain.  The excess pressure due to stones results in pain in the upper right abdomen. In most cases, the doctor diagnoses gallstones by accident and suggest you, gallbladder surgery if your experience high level of discomfort.

A blockage of gallbladder due to stones will lead to accumulation of bile. This situation may contribute to infection in the organ called cholecystitis. At this stage, the noticeable symptoms are fever of 100.4 degrees, pain, chills, and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include brown stools, darker/orange color urine, and yellowing of skin and eyes may occur. The doctor may confirm gallstones after blood tests and scans to track the bile condition.

To subside the infection, the doctor may prescribe you antibiotics and pain meds. Since gallstones are not detected until they create a blockage in the gallbladder, there is hardly any way to prevent the illness.  If the stones are of very small size it may be cured using medicines. If the size of stones is big the surgery is the main option for successful treatment.

Gallstones and Gallbladder cancer

Gallstones accompany with jaundice due to the accumulation of bile in the gallbladder. If ultrasound results indicate gallbladder polyps (large polyps), which are growth in the inside of the gallbladder wall then you may be at risk of developing gallbladder cancer. Then gall bladder removal is the main mode of treatment to restore your normal health state.
Are women more likely than men to get gallstones?

Yes, women are more susceptible to gallstones than men. By the age of 60, gallstones occur in more than a quarter of women. Aging women are at increased risk of getting gallstones due to hormone estrogen which stimulates the liver to divert cholesterol into bile.  Pregnant women are also at higher risk of gallstones because excess secretion of progesterone hormone, which in turns gallbladder contraction. Again women with high BMI or obesity are highly likely to develop gallstones.

Consult with the best surgeon

If you are experiencing any discomfort in the abdominal region or suspecting gallstones, then consult the best gall bladder specialist in India.

Dr. Amanjeet Singh is one of the pioneers in minimal access and bariatric surgery with advanced laparoscopic training at various centers across the globe under stalwarts.  He is the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon and ensures quick recovery of patients. He has more than 10 years of experience in advanced laparoscopic surgeries related to pancreatitis, gall bladder, hernia, and various disorders related to gastroenterology.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Everything you should know about Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the most common disease in India with rising prevalence. The disease highly prevalent in adults contributes to 50% of the colorectal investigations. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the lowest part of anus and rectum.  During defecation, the veins bulge and get irritated, which may cause rectal bleeding. 

Hemorrhoids inside the rectum are known as internal hemorrhoids and bleeding may be the only sign of them. External hemorrhoids tend to hurt and bleed more than the internal hemorrhoids as they occur right under the skin around the anus.

Well, what exactly causes rectal bleeding or swelling in the region?
If you are overweight or obese or pregnant, it may create extra pressure in the lower rectum. This hampers the smooth blood flow and makes the veins swell.

What clinical studies say?

Genetic factors have a great influence on the occurrence of hemorrhoids. So, you are at greater risk of this disease if you have a family member like a mother or father having this disease.

Other causes of hemorrhoids are pushing during bowel movements, doing strenuous physical activity like heavy weight lifting. Also, hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy. People with hemorrhoids may experience pain and itching around colorectal regions. Other symptoms of hemorrhoids are moist pink/purple bumps around the edge of the anus.  You may see bright red blood in toilet bowl or stool with blood and feel of hard-knot around the anus are common physiological features associated with hemorrhoids.

who are a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids is a lifestyle disease and the following lifestyle choices can increase your risk of hemorrhoids.



High-fat and low fiber consumption


Sedentary lifestyle such as low physical activity

Standing or sitting for a long time

Liver or heart disease

Anal intercourse

If you are already suffering from hemorrhoids, then constipation and straining during defecation may aggravate the symptoms. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent hemorrhoids.

What to do for immediate relief?

You can treat hemorrhoids at home using ointments easily available over the counter or trying cold packs or soaking in plain warm water may give temporary relief.  If the condition is serious these remedies may not enable healing.

If the symptoms are worsening, then you may consult a doctor. 

The symptoms of rectal bleeding can also be the symptoms of chron’s diseases, colitis, anal fissures, colon polyps, colon cancer or diverticulitis.  So, do not depend too long on the home remedies. A high-fiber diet is the best thing for hemorrhoids and by eating more vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole grains you can avoid constipation and hemorrhoids.

If you want to get the right diagnosis and treatment, you must consult the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon.  Only an expert can provide the best treatment.

Effective treatment 

Minimally invasive procedures are preferred for persistent bleeding or painful hemorrhoids. These procedures may include-

• Rubber band ligation – Doctor places tiny rubber bands around the base of internal hemorrhoid so that withers and falls
• Coagulation – use of laser light to harden hemorrhoids which can shrivel easily

• Sclerotherapy – Injection of a chemical solution into hemorrhoid to shrink it.

Surgical procedures are preferred by the colorectal surgeon in India when you have large hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid removal or hemorrhoidectomy is the process of removal of excessive tissue that causes bleeding. This is the most effective method of treating complicated cases of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid stapling is another surgical procedure used for internal hemorrhoids to block the blood flow to hemorrhoidal tissue.

If you are experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids and looking for comprehensive diagnosis, then contact Dr Amanjeet Singh.

Dr Amanjeet Singh is the best colorectal surgeon in India associated with Medanta hospital- Medicity, Gurgaon. He is a reputed and award-winning gastroenterologist in Gurgaon super-specialized in a laparoscopic and robotic surgeon.He provides comprehensive surgery services for hemorrhoids (piles, fissure, fistula, appendix, and abscess).

He has a rock-solid reputation of handling many cases related to rectal cancer, colon cancer, and other gastric health issues.  You will get here comprehensive surgical services with a multidisciplinary approach.  His services are highly affordable and surely reduce your hospital stay.  With top-quality patient care, he ensures healthy living.  You may contact him via