Friday, September 20, 2019

What are the signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can easily be felt because they feel like a small bulge that protrudes from the rectum or the anal area, which are also known as the prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Those that protrude at the rectal opening like a single bulge are known as external hemorrhoids.

The size of the hemorrhoids and their shape may vary from person to person. But most commonly the hemorrhoids are of the size of a chickpea. Hemorrhoids can be one or more than one in an individual usually grouped together. They can be either bloated or compressed.

How do hemorrhoids look like?

Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids are pinkish-red type and the coagulated hemorrhoids are blush or dark reddish type.
The external hemorrhoids are brown in color.
Grape sized hemorrhoids come in plum color.
Some hemorrhoids can be as big as a walnut.

What are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are painful, itchy at the anal area and troublesome to the patients. People can feel irritated, short-tempered and restless due to pain. Patients may lose focus on work and find difficulty carrying the activities of daily living to the extent that they become prone to committing errors.

Hemorrhoids can be so stressful for a person. In fact, even the dreadful operation of the past was considered worth the pain to try and cease the discomfort the hemorrhoids were causing. Another common warning sign is that hemorrhoids usually coat the anus, stopping the rectal opening from being observed. Hemorrhoids can also result in searing pain or anxiety.

People with hemorrhoids feel the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation and feel the urge to use the bathroom frequently. Hemorrhoids confuse the digestive system so as to appear that the colon is not emptied although it is completely clear of any fecal matter. Hence, the patient keeps straining to get feces out that aren't really there, which in turn aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why is medical examination needed?

Hemorrhoids can result to a person's anus to become itchy, specifically around the rectal opening, this hemorrhoid symptom can also be a symptom of parasitic worms, rather than hemorrhoids, thus a medical examination is needed.

Hemorrhoids can be very annoying but there are medications like tablets and ointments and surgical treatment available that will help you to eliminate hemorrhoids for good and live a healthy lifestyle.

When the best gastroenterologist surgeon like Dr. Amanjeet Singh in Gurgaon treats you, there is no scope of complications. Dr. Amanjeet Singh is a renowned gastroenterologist surgeon in India offering comprehensive surgery services in the abdominal region of the human body. He has undergone advanced training at All India Institute of Medical Sciences in surgical gastroenterology and laparoscopic colorectal surgery at SMC Korea.  He also offers comprehensive surgery services in gastroenterology &pancreatic cancer surgery.  He has traveled various reputed medical institutes across the globe for advanced training in laparoscopy, laparoscopic colorectal and robotic surgery. 

Leaving hemorrhoids untreated may worsen the condition leading to a wide range of complications. If you are observing the above symptoms, then it is better to consult top gastroenterologist surgeon.  On-time diagnosis may save unwanted pain, trauma, and waste of money on complicated treatment.

Contact the best doctor today!

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