Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What can you do about hiatus hernia?

Hiatus hernia is a terrible health issue and if you are not well aware of the symptoms and preventive measures, your hernia may worsen.

So, here are few things to know to keep yourself safe

If you are having a smoking habit or you are addicted to alcohol, then you must stop taking both or at least cut down in the initial stage else your hernia may aggravate.

You need to maintain normal body weight and BMI. In case you are obese or overweight then try to reduce your weight. Go for a well-balanced diet and lower the calorie and fat intake. Also, try to eat a diet low in carbohydrates and fat. Try to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, fizzy drinks, alcohol, chocolate or acidic foods.

Regular exercise will help you lose weight as well as making you feel better all round. Your doctor or personal trainer should be able to advise you on the best physical activity and diet. Avoid bending over, abdominal exercises and strenuous exercises or heavy work. Do not lift heavy weights as it can tear or damage the muscles as well as putting undue strain on the heart. This is a major cause of ruptures, back strain, and muscle problems.

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Hiatus hernia can be caused or intensified by pressure on the abdomen. So do not use tight belts, or tight-fitting garments as they exert an undue strain on the muscles.

The digestion process is affected due to hiatus hernia so doctors recommend eating small, frequent meals, instead of large meals. Always have your dinner at least three hours before bedtime. This gives the digestive system the chance to do its work quickly and more efficiently. Overloading the stomach is a major cause of hiatus hernia symptoms.

If you're stressed, try some relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing, as your symptoms get worse when you are under stress. Yoga is an excellent form of stress relief but be careful not to strain the body or to take up a position that involves bending over.
If you are suffering from hernia you may be worried about thoughts, like is it curable or what are the best possible hernia treatments. Right?

Well, the above-mentioned tips work well if there are minor symptoms. if your symptoms are more severe and constant, you should consult your GP to ensure that there is nothing else that could be causing them.

For some people, even tablets are unable to control symptoms - in which case surgery may be considered. In the past, hernia surgery in India to repair a hiatus hernia was a major procedure involving an incision or cut in the upper abdomen, or even chest.
Now it is almost always performed by keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery and requires only a day or so in the hospital. The operation aims to narrow the widened hiatus by stitching together a part of the diaphragm muscle and to re-create the valve effect of the upper stomach and lower esophagus.

This is generally a safe and straightforward procedure - however, any surgery carries some risk and you should discuss this in full with the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon or any other city as per convenience. Results are generally very good - with most people experiencing a significant improvement in symptoms and no further need for medication.

If you are a resident of Gurgaon, then consult Dr. Amanjeet Singh is the best hernia surgeon in Gurgaon and has undergone super specialization in robotic laparoscopic surgery. He is also one of the pioneers of laparoscopic surgery and has a track record of handling many complicated cases related to GI diseases and chronic conditions due to cancer as well as colon cancer. He treats patients using a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach and reduces complications and hospital stay. 
Consult the best surgeon to avail of the finest quality treatment!  

1 comment:

  1. Get latest laparoscopic hiatus hernia treatment in Sarita Vihar, Delhi from Dr. Sushant Wadhera, laparoscopic acid reflux GERD surgery. Get best acid reflux treatment in Delhi
