Thursday, August 29, 2019

Everything You Should Know About Gastric Outlet Obstruction

There is a growing number of cases of gastric outlet obstruction all over the world. It is blockage or obstruction in the path of outlet of the stomach, which prevent the passage of food into small intestine. Eventually the food accumulates in the stomach and causes a severe abdominal pain. 
Cancer may increase the chronicity of the disease. 

What are main signs and symptoms?

·         Abdominal pain
·         Vomiting after meals
·         Vomiting undigested food devoid of any bile
·         Loss of weight
·         Wasting and dehydration
·         Visible peristalsis from left to right maybe present

·         Succussion splash, a splash like sound heard over the stomach with or without the stethoscope.
·         Bowel sound may be increased due to excessive peristaltic action of the stomach.
·         Fullness in the left hypochondrium may also be present.

Causes of Gastric outlet obstruction

Gastric outlet obstruction can be benign and malignant. To be malignant the cause should be presumed.  In most cases of gastric outlet obstruction, the main cause has been found to be benign Peptic ulcer disease. But thanks to the acid suppressing drugs that has declined the frequency of peptic ulcer cases.

Wondering what causes the peptic ulcer?

Edema and scarring of ulcer results in peptic ulcer followed by healing and fibrosis. This leads to obstruction of the gastrodudenal junction, which is an ulcer in the first part of duodenum.
Other benign causes are infections such as tuberculosis. A rare cause can be blockage due to gallstones and sometimes pancreatic pseudocyst can cause gastric compression. 

Talking about the malignant cause, Gastric cancer is the most prominent one. In many Western countries the frequency has declined   with the treatment of Helicobacter Pylori infection.  However, now the predominating one is the pancreatic cancer.


In case of Gastric outlet obstruction with significant obstruction and if there is no scope of medical therapy, then surgery or Gastrojejunostomy is best treatment mode.  In this surgical process the surgeon creates a bypass for the stomach contents so that they can move into the intestine.  This is most successful treatment method has been proven to improve the patient’s survival rate. 

For patients suffering from malignant gastric outlet obstruction, endoscopic stenting is an effective and minimally invasive treatment option. This allows resumption of oral intake and improving quality of life. The endoscopic balloon therapy may be attempted as an alternative surgery and involves the removal of antral portion of the stomach.  However, you must consult best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon, for reliable and safe services.

Are you diagnosed with gastric outlet obstruction?

Seeking proficient gastroenterologist surgeon for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, then get in touch with Dr. Amanjeet Singh.  He is one of the best gastroenterologists and surgeons treating gastric outlet obstruction due to cancer in India. He is the leading surgeon in Gurgaon associated with Medanta hospital- Medicity, Gurgaon.  He is a reputed and award-winning laparoscopic and robotic surgeon super-specialized in Surgical Gastroenterology.

He is also one of the leading names when it comes to treatment of chronic pancreatitis, gall bladder diseases, bile duct problems, liver problems, hernia, and a range of GI tract issues.  

Dr. Amanjeet Singh has got a rock-solid reputation of handling many cases related to colorectal cancer, colon cancer, and other gastric health issues.  You will get here comprehensive surgical services with a multidisciplinary approach.  His services are highly affordable and surely reduce the hospital stay. With top quality patient care, he ensures healthy living.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gallbladder diseases and treatment in India

Gallbladder diseases like gallstones, gallbladder polyps, and cancer are highly prevalent in India. The major risk factors of this disease are increasing age, female gender, ethnic background, and hereditary factors. These factors are non-modifiable but obesity, overweight and metabolic disorders are modifiable and highly escalating factors.

If you are at risk of gallstones due to a sedentary lifestyle, then you can prevent the same by engaging inactive lifestyle. Other diseases that are a risk factor for gallstones are cirrhosis, chronic hemolysis and ileal Crohn's disease which contribute to black pigment stones.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are crystallized cholesterol appear like pebble-like lumps formed by the imbalances of substances in bile.  Removal of the gallbladder is the only method of treatment of gallstones. The surgical process is called cholecystectomy which may be done laparoscopically. There is nothing to panic about this operation!

Since the gallbladder is not an essential organ of our body, its removal may not cause significant harm. Gallbladder stores bile and if the organ is removed the bile can flow directly from the liver to small intestine. 

Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is a gold standard

The laparoscopic technique is the minimally invasive method of removing the gallbladder using a slender instrument called a laparoscope with a tiny camera ahead.  This surgical process gives incredible precision and accuracy because the camera helps the surgeon to view the body organ in a magnified form on the monitor. So the surgeon can carefully separate the gallbladder from the liver, ducts, and vessels.

Laparoscopic surgery ensures less pain and loss of blood when compared to traditional or open cut surgery. The patient can have minimal post-operative pain, faster recovery, and minimal discomfort post-operation if operated by the best laparoscopic surgeon in India. The skin scar is less as laparoscopic surgery does not involve large cut instead of three small holes. Hence, this method is the gold standard. Need not worry about the cost as the laparoscopic surgery cost in India is much cheaper than western countries.

Can gallstones be prevented?

In most cases, gallstones remain unnoticed unless you experience a sudden extreme pain, which is caused when the gallstones block the organ preventing it to drain.  The excess pressure due to stones results in pain in the upper right abdomen. In most cases, the doctor diagnoses gallstones by accident and suggest you, gallbladder surgery if your experience high level of discomfort.

A blockage of gallbladder due to stones will lead to accumulation of bile. This situation may contribute to infection in the organ called cholecystitis. At this stage, the noticeable symptoms are fever of 100.4 degrees, pain, chills, and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include brown stools, darker/orange color urine, and yellowing of skin and eyes may occur. The doctor may confirm gallstones after blood tests and scans to track the bile condition.

To subside the infection, the doctor may prescribe you antibiotics and pain meds. Since gallstones are not detected until they create a blockage in the gallbladder, there is hardly any way to prevent the illness.  If the stones are of very small size it may be cured using medicines. If the size of stones is big the surgery is the main option for successful treatment.

Gallstones and Gallbladder cancer

Gallstones accompany with jaundice due to the accumulation of bile in the gallbladder. If ultrasound results indicate gallbladder polyps (large polyps), which are growth in the inside of the gallbladder wall then you may be at risk of developing gallbladder cancer. Then gall bladder removal is the main mode of treatment to restore your normal health state.
Are women more likely than men to get gallstones?

Yes, women are more susceptible to gallstones than men. By the age of 60, gallstones occur in more than a quarter of women. Aging women are at increased risk of getting gallstones due to hormone estrogen which stimulates the liver to divert cholesterol into bile.  Pregnant women are also at higher risk of gallstones because excess secretion of progesterone hormone, which in turns gallbladder contraction. Again women with high BMI or obesity are highly likely to develop gallstones.

Consult with the best surgeon

If you are experiencing any discomfort in the abdominal region or suspecting gallstones, then consult the best gall bladder specialist in India.

Dr. Amanjeet Singh is one of the pioneers in minimal access and bariatric surgery with advanced laparoscopic training at various centers across the globe under stalwarts.  He is the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon and ensures quick recovery of patients. He has more than 10 years of experience in advanced laparoscopic surgeries related to pancreatitis, gall bladder, hernia, and various disorders related to gastroenterology.